Use this formula to write the perfect about page template that will attract (and convert!) your dream client

Turn your viewers into clients by making sure you have a killer about page for your blog! via My Unicorn Did It

Did you know that your about me page is way more than just telling people something cutesy and fun about yourself?

It actually can have a positive (or negative) effect on your SEO ranking.

How to use About Me

Your about me page can be the first connection with your reader and this connection is absolutely essential when you have a product or service to sell.

You use your about me page as social proof of why your client should buy a product or service from you rather than one of your many competitors.

So how do you stand out?

The best tips to write an about me page

Hook them quick

Don’t use clickbait, but you do want to make sure you’re using a catchy hook or headline.

At the top of the page, you want to immediately tell your audience what you will do for them – what products you have that meet their needs or what services you offer that can take something off of their plate.

Need some catchy hooks? Here are some great ideas:

  • Our products will take away/add ________
  • Need help skyrocketing your traffic? With my expertise in ______ and _____, you’ll get the traffic you want in no time!
  • (This product) will completely change your life
  • Get rid of ___________ for good!
  • How to jump start your ______________-
  • I’ll help you never lose a target client again!

Most important takeaway: Solve their problem.

Be a mind reader

You have to know who you’re talking to. Which means you have to have a target audience. Which means you have to have a niche.

In order for your about me page to be effective and to convert to a client, you have to know who you’re talking to.

You have to have the answer to their problems.

Are you saving them time? Money? Both?

Will your product take away or add something to their lives?

Talk about the fears and questions that your reader may have and premptively answer them. This may even include adding a little FAQ section on your site.

While I don’t have an FAQ section directly on my home page or my about page, I definitely do have an FAQ section on one of my services pages. It’s things that I would ask if I were trying to hire someone to take over something in my blog or business.

Try to use your about page to resonate with your target audience, using real stories and vulnerability.

Don’t use the words “about me” – instead say “about”

Before we go on, let’s change some wording real quick.

Can I be real with you for a sec?

People don’t care about you.

Eek. I know that’s unpopular to say, but people who don’t know you don’t care who you are.

Because they can’t care about someone they don’t know. Remember that other than your best friend or your mom, nobody is coming to learn about your life. The majority of people visiting your site will want to know “what’s in it for me.”

The best tips for writing an amazing about page that works and converts! Get your free about page template by clicking here!

It’s why when you write your epic content, you write in second person (you) versus first person, avoiding terms like I, me, mine unless it’s part of showing how you’re proving value to your reader.

So, instead of using the words “about me” for your about page, use “about” instead.

Show your personality

“Wait, but my about page isn’t supposed to be about me.”

Exactly, but did you know that you don’t have to write about yourself to show your personality?

Some of my most popular blog posts on my home decor site are not because I’m talking about me for 2 hours but because I’m making people laugh with my personality while teaching my target audience how to do something.

Use photos

Stock photos are great. Even photos that you’ve taken yourself of flatlays or staged things around your office space are great, but have photos of you.

Including your face.

girl behind computer smiling

I know it’s hard – speaking from someone who H A T E S being in front of a camera, but people connect with people. They don’t connect with scenes of a desk. I can promise you that.

You don’t have to spend a ton of money either getting professional headshots done.

Every single photo you’ve seen of me on this site and any on my home decor site? All taken by me. Yep.

Camera, iPhone as my remote shutter, tripod. Boom. Donezo.

Brag just a little (in a non-grody way)

If you’ve been doing something for ten years, write about it! Your readers want to know that they can trust you!

Have you written a great article that’s been featured on The Huffington Post or in the New York Times? Tell your audience!

Use the real estate of your about page to tell your audience where you’ve been featured, what you have to offer and why you can be trusted.

Finally, give a call to action

Tell your audience what they need to do. Tell them what you want them to do.

Also, tell them why they need to do it. What are they going to miss out on if they don’t sign up for your email list or buy your product or hire you?

They need a reason. Again, it all goes back to the “what’s in it for me?” mindset.

Most importantly on your call to action, make sure that your about page has a way for your ideal customer or client to contact you. Leave your email address, your social media handles, your physical address if you’re a store – whatever ways you prefer to be contacted.

Is an about page different for a blog versus a business?

Truthfully, very little is different if you’re a food blogger or if you’re selling a product or service.

I will say that my about page for my home decor site is a bit more “casual” because I have a separate page entirely for things like where we’ve been featured and how to work with us. I also provide a media kit upon request to brands wanting to partner with us.

You’ll notice that the main points are still there, though – I tell you within the first few sentences why my blog exists before I dive into a bit more about us. I show pictures of me, my personality is shown throughout, and at the end I tell people exactly how (and why) to sign up for our email list.

Do you need a little help getting started? The good news is that I have included a free about page template!


This little guide will show you how to remember all the points we talked about today all together on one page! Download your free copy by clicking the image above!

Do you need help with your about page? Shoot me an email and I’d love to help!

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How to write an amazing about page for a blog or business that will actually convert! via My Unicorn Did It