Sharing the story of why, of all the possible names for a business, I chose My Unicorn Did It and giving you tips on how to choose a business name of your own!

Choosing the name of your business is a huge task.

In fact, in my email course which will be launching soon, I’ve dedicated an entire day to it!

I’ve had to rebrand a blog once and I was determined I didn’t want to have to do that again. It was a ton of hard work. Luckily, I did it before my blog was super huge, but I’ve seen people do it once they are big and it’s tanked traffic and stats. Eek. So, starting this business I wanted a name that was memorable.

How I came up with My Unicorn Did It as a business name

I really wanted to just have my name as a URL. Which probably would have worked with my maiden name, but wouldn’t ya know I married a guy with the last name Smith. So, that was out right off the bat.

I narrowed it down to 2 names – More Than A Day VA or My Unicorn Did it. The second one started as a joke because I was thinking about what it would be like to just have a magical creature just come in and do all the work behind the scenes and make it all fabulous. Or when someone sees something really cool on a blog, they’re like, “Oh man, how’d you do that?” And the answer could just be, “Oh, my little unicorn did it.”

When I put the 2 names in front of other people I trusted, without fail, every person that I asked said, “I’m really leaning towards the unicorn one!”

Wait, seriously? When I asked why, people told me that it sparked interest and made them want to dig in to find out more. Which is exactly the point! I wanted it to be clear once you’re on my site what I do, but I wanted you to have a reason to come to my site – ya tracking?

So, I went for it.

I wanted to be colorful, but not loud. I wanted my logo and brand to be clear that I’m the unicorn working behind the scenes. So, got a super talented friend of mine to make a logo.

I gave her the concept and when she came back with this and asked what I wanted changed I said absolutely nothing. It was perfect!

But what kind of business owner would I be without sharing some tips about how to come up with your own business name? Let’s go!

How To Come Up With Your Business Name

Easy tips on how to choose your business name #businesstips #businessnameideas

  1. Take time to brainstorm

    What do you want long term for your business? Is your name available as a URL? If so, you might want to make it simple and go that route. Otherwise, does the name of your business make sense? What emotions does it evoke in you or in others?

  2. Check behind yourself

    Are your social handles available? Is your domain name available? Don’t get attached to something if it’s already used by someone else.

  3. Ask (trusted) friends!

    The key word is trusted here. Find those people who you know will shoot you straight – good and bad. Make sure they know your business plan or idea as much as possible.

The most important part of all of this is to make sure your brand is the closest representation of who you are and what you offer. Be you! What will create authority is your authenticity. The more you show up and show people that what they see is what they get, they will begin to trust you. Trust is how you get more clients or how you get more work from your existing clients.

Be you, boo thang!

How did you come up with your own business name? I’d love to know!

Easy tips on how to choose your business name #businesstips #businessnameideas